Trick Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend to See if She’s Cheating: Spot the Red Flags

So, you’re here because you’ve got that nagging feeling in your gut, right? That little voice whispering, ‘Is everything cool with us?’
Take a deep breath and try to chill. We’ll talk about trust, communication, and all that stuff.
All this isn’t about playing Sherlock Holmes. We’ll better your relationship through understanding and empathy. Keep reading to discover a few trick questions to ask your girlfriend to see if your relationship is on the right track.
Setting the Scene
Every couple’s relationship is as unique as a fingerprint. And yeah, it’s a complicated thing.
Did you know that, according to some smarty-pants researchers, around 20% of marriages and 70% of unmarried relationships faced infidelity at some point? But while those numbers might make you gulp, don’t forget, your love story is your own, not a statistic on a page.
I’ll try to help.

How to chat without the interrogation vibes
We’re aiming for a vibe check, not a courtroom drama. Let’s focus on opening up the conversation, making space for honest talk, and seeing where you both stand.
To begin with, pick a spot that feels like a safe space for both of you. Where and when you chat matters a lot. This sometimes stressful conversation needs a cozy, no-pressure kind of place.
And timing? Oh, it’s gotta be just right. Look for a time when you’re both feeling relaxed and connected, not in the middle of a heated debate about whether pineapple belongs on pizza (for the record, it does).
Ready for the main event? Let’s get to my list of carefully chosen but trick questions that don’t scream ‘I’m doubting you’ in her face.
The Questions
While this list can be helpful, you should remember that it’s not the question itself but the way she answers that’ll give you the clues you’re looking for.
- ‘What’s a moment with us you’d love to relive?’ You can start with a positive flashback. Her answer’s a window into what makes her feel good about you two.
- ‘If we could change one thing in our relationship, what would it be for you?’ This one’s about finding out what’s missing or feels wrong to her. Her response can shed some light on hidden issues or her desires.
- ‘Where do you want us to be in five years?’ Future talk can tell you a lot about her commitment level and dreams for your couple. The excitement (or lack thereof) in her voice can actually be the key to most of your questions and doubts.
- ‘What did you like the most about your day?’ This seemingly easy question can uncover so much about her daily life, moods, and who’s been catching her attention. Notice if suddenly you’re not the highlight of her days or if new, fantastic beasts start popping up in her stories.
- ‘Have you made any new friends recently?’ It’s absolutely okay to meet new people; the most interesting thing is how she talks about them. Eyebrow-raising moments include her being vague or oddly secretive about these new characters.
- ‘Is there anything you’ve wanted to try lately but haven’t had the chance to?’ This one’s about uncovering new hobbies or interests she’s into, maybe without you. Her joy about new experiences is great, but watch out for signs that she doesn’t want you to join her.
- ‘What do you think about our communication lately?’ This question opens the doors for her to share any concerns about how you two have been connecting. Take note if she mentions feeling like you’re drifting apart or not chatting as much. That can be a sign of a bigger issue.
- ‘What’s something that’s been bothering you that we haven’t talked about?’ Here’s her chance to bring any hidden problems to the surface. But always approach her answers with a whole big heart and ears wide open, alright?
You should also read between the lines. Watch her body language, the consistency in her answers, and how open she seems. Shifts here could signal deeper and more essential stuff that needs your attention.

Trust Talk
Dubts can and may arise, but trust is the glue in any relationship. Sometimes, it needs a bit of a refresh. This section is about gently unpacking feelings around trust without making it like an accusation or an interrogation.
- ‘How can we make our trust tank even stronger?‘ This question is a proactive approach to strengthening what you already have. The response you get can open up some new ways for growth, like more open communication or setting aside time for regular check-ins.
- ‘Have there been moments you’ve felt unsure about us? How can I help?‘ Just make it straight, like have there been times you’ve doubted what we have? Let’s get those moments out in the open and figure out how to smooth things together.
- ‘Is there anything I do that makes you feel unappreciated or overlooked?‘ Like, I want to know if there’s anything I’m doing, maybe even without realizing it, making you feel less than treasured. Let’s address that and fix it.
- ‘What does trust mean to you, especially in our relationship?‘ Trust can mean a million different things to a million other people. What’s your version? Understanding that is key for you to move forward and be stronger.
Don’t try to find dirt, guys. You better try to set the foundation to understand each other on a deeper level.
Final Thoughts
Dealing with doubts and fears in a relationship is tricky but totally doable. You can make it all work with empathy, patience, and open ears.
Ask these trick questions during a date, drop a line, leave them on voicemail, do whatever you want. But always remember, the value and strength of your connection is measured by how you grow through challenges together.