7 Hidden Signs She Secretly Likes You

One of the most confusing parts about dating and relationships is understanding if a girl is interested in you. It is challenging when your lady doesn’t rush to express her feelings, and the last straw can be her timid nature. Don’t get upset.
It’s easy to understand if the girl likes you. You should be able to spot the hidden signs she’s secretly into you. That’s why this article is what you need to look through. Jot down the signs and check whether a girl hides her true feelings from you.
7 Hidden Signs A Girl Likes You
Women don’t tend to talk about their true feelings first. They will sugarcoat the situation even if they’re so painfully in love. As a real gentleman and good egg, you should react quickly and get closer to her. First of all, you should understand if the girl likes you.

1. She Reveals Everything With Her Body Language
Some ladies wouldn’t say boo to a goose. Don’t expect them to express everything. However, you better watch the changes in their body language to understand if the girl likes you. But what’s body language?
It’s intentional and unintentional body movements and postures that might signal the feelings of any particular person. If you know how to spot the obvious signs, you’ll surely avoid barking up the wrong tree. Here’s what you need to know:
- Blushing. When she’s nervous, she can blush. You don’t need to be an expert in psychology to see when the girl is blushing in your presence. By doing so, she shows that she’s genuinely interested in you. In such cases, she might even avoid eye contact with you.
- Voice changes. One of the subtle signs to spot is changes in her voice. Variations in her voice can signal that she’s hiding her emotions from you. For example, a high-pitched voice is an attempt to get your attention.
- Mirroring. If a girl is attracted to you, she’ll inevitably copy your manners. She’ll be interested in the same coffee you prefer. She’ll mimic your behavior or posture. This phenomenon is known as mirroring and is one of the subtle cues to spot.
- Dilated pupils. Just look at her eyes to understand whether she likes you. In other words, you need to see her eyes and pupils. Dilated pupils can be one of the signs she’s into you.
- Recurring eye contact. Eye contact is also one way to understand if a girl likes you. If she keeps eye contact quite frequently or more often than before, it’s a definite crush sign.
- Licking Lips And Flared Nostrils. If you’re a person whose communication is like watching paint dry, she’ll start showing more signs. Licking lips and flared nostrils indicate she’s emotionally and physically attracted to you.
That being said, physical signs might not be enough to get convinced that she likes you.
2. Changes In The Way She’s Talking To You
When you spot changes in her communication, she might give you the go-ahead to be closer to her. But let’s explore these changes:
- Being curious. She’s curious about you and asks more questions than before. If she’s single, it’s a telling sign that she wants to give you a chance. Perhaps it’s time to change your relationship status.
- Complimenting. She can be as bold as brass, but she won’t rush to say, ‘I like you!’ It’s not a let-down for you, as you can get her confession with her compliment.
- Laughing at your jokes. It happens that a girl might laugh at even the lamest jokes. She would say that you’re so funny. It’s not flattery. It’s just another sign she’s very attracted to you.
Communication will get more interesting and fun. She’ll be more courageous to initiate a conversation.
3. She’s Active Online
When people act differently, they show changes in their moods and feelings. The same can be said about changes you can observe online. What does it mean? Let’s delve into it:
- Sudden exchange of funny memes. One positive sign she’s into you is when she starts sending memes out of the blue. She’s willing to get your attention but doesn’t want to be too obvious. So, all you need is to like her memes, send her other memes, or initiate a conversation.
- Being tagged on social media. Receiving notifications about getting tagged on Instagram will be another great sign. She’s getting obsessed with you.
- Attempting to get your attention. When you visit her Instagram account, she’ll post some cool photos. In these photos, she’ll be immaculately dressed and wear perfect makeup. The girl does it to attract your attention, so you need to appreciate that with your likes and compliments.
- Longer conversations. A long conversation might be regarded as a sign that you’re enjoying the communication. So, it’s just another sign a girl cherishes an interest in you.
In addition, a girl can call or text you whenever she’s free. By doing so, she shows that she wants your attention. She’s eager to spend time with you, whether online or offline.

4. Her Friends Will Hint That To You
Focusing on how girls react to your presence is a good way of disclosing that she’s secretly attracted to you. But that’s not the only way you do so. There’s another aspect you should know. It’s her friends.
You just need to pay attention to how girl’s friends react to you. Let’s say you showed up at her party. Her friends will be there too. Their reactions, hints, and smiles will say a lot. Don’t forget that a girl might not be open with you, but that’s not the case with her friend.
Her friends are her confidants. She’ll share her deepest secrets with them and make it clear when it comes to her emotions. But she’ll treat you differently. It’s a good sign if you’re not planning to be just a friend to her.
5. Getting Closer To You
A girl interested in you will find many ways to get closer to you. It’s not just about approaching you. She’ll have to overcome obstacles to get your attention more than other girls.
- Making excuses to touch. A girl wants to touch your hands, face, or hair. She’ll try to hide her desire but inevitably take your hand to show something. She might find an excuse to remove a hair on your cheeks or something like that.
- Trying to spend time in private. When a girl is interested in you, she wants to spend time with you alone. She’s eager to talk to you tete-a-tete. When she’s happy to be with you face to face, it’s just another sign that a girl likes you.
- Changing her seat to be closer. Sitting against you is different from sitting beside you. If a girl sits near you by any excuse, she implies her attraction.
- Leaning on you. A girl might lean on you while she’s talking to you. It’s a good sign, meaning she’s feeling good with you. A girl wants to touch you and get closer. This physical proximity allows you to get closer to the girl.
Please, note that you should be close to her as well if you don’t want to alienate her.
6. Trust And Support As Signs She’s Into You
When it comes to signs indicating that she likes or loves you, they can vary. So, they’re not limited to changes in body language. Let’s explore some other signs worth your attention.
If the girl likes someone, she tends to trust that person. How to understand that? She won’t say that openly. Here are some things to pay attention to:
- She’ll tell you her secrets;
- She’ll share her thoughts;
- She’ll be happy to meet and spend time with you.
But again, don’t expect her to say, ‘Hey, I love and trust you!’ She won’t spoon-feed that for you. You better be attentive.
What’s more, you should know that girl likes you when she gives you 100% of her attention. Besides, she’ll be at your side whenever you need support.
Don’t be afraid to show you can be vulnerable to stress and despair. Women like strong men but not terminators, so there is no need to be a T-800 for her.
7. Being Jealous
You might have heard that the opposite of love isn’t hate but apathy. It’s hard not to agree with this. If she’s interested in you, she’ll be unable to camouflage it. The true feeling will always find a way to be exposed.
Girls aren’t good at hiding feelings. They will show it with their changes in behavior. It’s true when talking about jealousy. When a girl likes you, she can be overwhelmed with various emotions, and of course, she might not want to see you with other girls.
Final Thoughts
There are some signs you can relate to your lady. It’s time to act once you understand that the girl likes you. That won’t be a walk in the park, so be ready to roll up your sleeves to recognize signs that she’s interested in you. Make a girl feel special and needed. It will help you create something meaningful.
I like the advice and quotes are so helpful and amazing😄😄😄😄